Why Participate in Our Show?

Why Participate in Our Show?

Become an exhibitor today!

Be a part of the area's highly-successful suburban home show, produced by the Home Builders Association, a highly-regarded organization in the St. Louis area.


View 2025 Booth Pricing.


You may apply for exhibit space through our Exhibitor Portal.

We deliver customers to you.

Our Show marketing focus is to bring you thousands of "ready to buy” quality customers. The Show’s marketing mix consists of digital, TV, radio, billboards, print and social media. Check out the media data in last year’s Show Overview to gain an overall picture of how the Show’s marketing positioning works for you.

We create a space where buyers and sellers come together.

It is experiential marketing at its best! Homeowners come to the Show to meet professionals who specialize in home products and services to fulfill their home improvement dreams. They want to see and experience all the products our participating businesses have to offer. And, they want to get to know exhibitors on a one-on-one basis. Our exhibitors find this to be an extremely beneficial opportunity, as it gives them a chance to build loyal relationships with new, qualified customers or reconnect with previous customers.

Collect new leads to build your business.

Our surveys show that of Home & Remodeling Show attendees, 95% of them are homeowners, 38.5% have household incomes of more than $100,000, and 82% plan to do a home improvement project in the next 12 months.

Outshine the competition.

The Home & Remodeling Show is the perfect place for consumers to shop many businesses in one place, so helping you stand out in the crowd is our mission. If you ever have questions about booth design or other ways to make your show experience more successful, just ask us!

Find success at a fraction of the cost compared to other marketing options.

We recognize that determining how and where to spend your marketing dollars is very important to you. Be sure to visit the Testimonials page to hear what other exhibitors have said about our Shows, the leads they generated and the brand recognition they received.

2025 Booth Pricing and Inclusions

Booth Size Booth Price
5' x 20'  $1,805
10' x 10' $1,650
10' x 20' $3,175
10' x 30' $4,675
10' x 40' $6,205
10' x 50' $7,730
20' x 20' $6,205
20' x 30' $9,250



$150 premium will be charged for a corner booth. $300 premium will be charged for a double corner booth.

$100 will be added to the cost of any booth purchased after July 25, 2025.


All booths include a skirted table if requested on application, company ID sign and a free listing in the printed Show Directory (if booth is reserved prior to print deadline).

Questions? Contact a member of our team.

To learn more about the, please contact Tammy Ridgley.

Exhibitor Information